Be Inspired! Be Encouraged!! Gain Insight!!

"This book brings light to the struggles we wrestle with and the unexpected trials we face. Becca shares with us the pathway to victory as she presents one encouraging message after another. No matter how dark or lonely a place you may find yourself, you'll discover pages filled with insights to help you embrace life's most challenging moments and see how God's Word brings illumination and hope to your life."
Jack Hibbs, pastor
Now Available!!
For those who want to make a difference in the lives of our children, our families, our nation... buckle up!! This book will bring clarity to what is taking place in our nation, especially as it relates to education and parental rights. This book will give sound reasons for offering hope as parents take hold of their God given design to nurture and educate their children. We often minimize the fact the the children, with whom we have been blessed, are the major means by which we as parents can invest in our future. Be empowered to make this investment into our children, our future!

As an American woman, Keating gives a unique and profound perspective of living under Sharia law in the Middle East. Becca finally tells her story; A riveting and insightful book which will open yours eyes to the challenges she faced which are common to women and children of Islam. The startling reality she encounters when returning to State-side compels every reader to confront the truth about Islam and its assault on women and children, as well as on our American way of life. The subject of this book is urgently relevant, informs, and challenges our thinking regarding this "religion of peace". Pastor Jack Hibbs says, "We must understand the true dangers of Islam and why its adherents are devoted to eliminating all Judeo-Christian influence." Therefore, this book is a must read for those wanting to impact our culture, our nation, our world!
Invite Becca to be your Keynote Speaker
For those citizens who want to make a difference in this nation, in this world, this book will encourage as well as give a solid and logical foundation for making that a reality. Inspired by our founding fathers' faithful charge and ripped from today's headlines, this urgently relevant content will inform and alert you to make educated and wise choices for you and your family. An easy but totally pertinent read exposes the power of the Constitution and the power of those faithful-based conservatives willing to rise up and stand firm. At this critical time in our nation's history, this is a must read for all who want to Impact their World!

This book addresses the importance of parents investing in the lives of their children, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It also exposes the goals of the National Education Association, the history and development of Common Core and its ramifications, data mining, and other shocking information pertinent to every citizen. This book speaks of the importance of knowing the different learning styles of your children, the alternatives to public schooling and the advancement of the home schooling movement. Becca's research for this book equips and empowers parents to make wise choices for their children and family. Keeping it simple, Keating's book makes for a fast and easy read with loads of foundational, timeless truths. It is a must read for EVERY parent, grandparent and every citizen!!
Keating’s contagious enthusiasm creates a high demand for her as a seminar speaker, talk show guest and conference lecturer. The subject matter she brings to the table is urgently relevant. The information in her book and speeches informs, stimulates thinking, and encourages an empowering, positive response to impact culture. To request an appearance with Becca for YOUR special speaker, go to Contact page.

The Secrets of Powerful
The Secrets of Powerful Communication, Confronting the Bully Within, is a thought provoking but easy read perfect for summer vacations or a weekend get-away. This book will challenge as well as encourage you in your journey to more effective communication. If you are an educator wanting to improve your impact, this book is for you. If you are in business and desire to be more effective, this book is for you. If you are a student wanting to gain more confidence, this book is for you. If you are a part of the human race and want to improve your life, your family, your community, this book is for YOU.